Issue #2 - Riedstra - Revelling in Mists of Constellations of Pine Points and Waltzes
Revelling in Mists of Constellations of Pine Points and Waltzes
Dave Reidstra
With Revelling... I wanted to carve out room for sound and touch in physical space amid some sonic incursions to my mid-2020 living and research space, not to block out uninvited vibrations but to (re-)assert my own ongoing presence with them. To do so, I used studio techniques to mix together recordings of vehicle traffic in Tkaronto's lower Don River valley, rattling objects in our apartment, and nearby streetcars and condo developments. My growing interest in granular synthesis and resonant filters united a few conceits of digital audio, such as how oscillations can break into unit like grains or that sequences of discrete numbers can be treated as equivalent to the sound wave they're meant to produce. My partner and I eventually moved away from Toronto. Revelling... didn't really do the things it was supposed to there, but in our quieter home in Guelph it related newly to space, casting its transients into corners of rooms, a remnant of our time on Queen Street that continues to gather and produce dust.